Case-discussion sessions

If you are a practitioner, looking for a confidential space to discuss your cases, solve a dilemma or need a fresh perspective towards your therapeutic approach. Sign up for Case-discussion sessions with us. Case discussion would involve one-to-one discussion. We do not believe that any other practitioner
knows your clients better than you, so here we give you the scope for an open non-hierarchical conversation and exchange of ideas.

These are 50-minute at an affordable price of Rs.800. Prices differ for International clients.

If you are interested in a session with a group of therapists instead of an individual therapist leave us a message in the Contact Us Section and we will get in touch. Mention the preferred theme and mode of session (offline/online) you would like to participate in. Note that, group discussions are organized based on the number of registrations. Subscribe to get regular updates on upcoming events.